
The Camping is an open event that contemplates artistry and work as an artist. It’s a space that welcomes the participants to discuss, listen, encounter, dream, open up, ask, suggest. Camping was realised at Asematila (Asemalabra AS18), Helsinki in April 2018.

The work has sprung from a personal and shared exhaustion caused by both internal and surrounding structures as well as from the repetitive routines the system encourages. The Camping is a wish and a request to find out whether it's possible to come up with more sustainable and gentle ways to function as an artist. It’s a permissive space, where incomplete thoughts are as important as those well shaped.

The event supports a horizontal way of dialogue and sharing with softness, tenderness and equality. These prevailing; is it possible to perceive artistic work in a rhizome-like way so that it withholds a potential to constantly re-organize itself, branch, broaden, co-exist, continue?

By/with Hanna Ahti (initiation, convener), Maija Mustonen

Special guest: Lauri Mattila, Masi Tiitta, Anne Naukkarinen, Riina Laurilehto, Anna Torkkel

Supported by Kone Foundation (Hanna Ahti)

Photos © Yoshi Omori




You'll Be a Tree